A FREE Celebratory Exhibition Celebrating 10years of Reach Out
October 28 & 29 2022 | 11am-4pm both days | Free Entry
To celebrate 10 years of running the Reach Out programme we would like to invite you to attend a celebratory exhibiton featuring work, photos, video screenings and comments from particiapants and parents both past and present.
The exhibition will be an opportunity to look back on all that was achieved over the last decade and truly celebrate the creative achievements of those involved.
The exhibition will be free to attend, and open to the public, but as would like to get some refreshments it would be helpful to know how many people would like to visit. Please complete the simple form below with the day you’d like to visit and how many people will be in your party.
We’d like to thank Hampshire County Council for their continued support of this project via their Short Breaks funding.