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Making Space currently finds itself in a critical situation. We are fighting to survive and the easiest way you can support us right now, is to donate.

Your donation will make a difference, and help us keep Making Space open!

You can make a one-off donation for any amount, and really – no amount is too small,


You can make a regular donation for:

  • £6 a month
    • The cost of a coffee and slice a cake.
  • £12 a month
    • Less than a Friday night takeaway.
  • £24 a month
    • Which is what it costs for an individual to attend one of our workshops!

The Critical Situation 

On top of the cost of living crisis, which is affecting us all, we are grappling with funding cuts from local authority. This environment also means that we are seeing a huge increase in the need for what we do.

Whilst Hampshire County Council supports us through project grants, which help fund our Outreach Work, we receive no core funding to help us with the invaluable day-to-day work that we do. We also receive no funding at all from Havant Borough Council which leaves us in a vulnerable position and affects our ability to apply to a lot of other funding grants & opportunities.

Thank you for wanting to support us. For making sure we can continue to change lives through craft! We know that we have made a difference to so many people over the last 16 years and want to continue doing so for many years to come.

If you are not able to financially support us today, you can still help us spread the word by sharing this link [] with your colleagues, friends and family. If you enjoy, benefit from or love the work that we do, tell people about us.

You can read more about the cost of running Making Space, and funding we have in place in our annual report:

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Making Space is a company limited by guarantee no 04482576 and a registered charity no 1108387

Credits: photography: design and website: