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We are delighted to have launched a brand new project funded by The Waste Prevention Fund at Hampshire County Council. 

Upstitch will consisit of 4 mini projects that all focus on a different activity that reduces household waste, but also creates items that can be donated to those that need them most! Once the last project has finished Making Space will donate all the items made to the Warm Hubs in Havant.

The lovely thing about Upstitch is that not only will you be able to have a clearout of your unwanted household textiles (ensuring items don’t end up in landfill) but that they will be transformed into useable, loved items and donated to those that really need it most!

Those that book onto the course will also learn some briliant new skills which they can take home to inspire home projects and share with others. You’ll leave feeling inspired, full of knowledge and also with a warm heart knowing you’ve done a good charitable deed (whilst having a lovely time!)

And talking of lovely; the Upstitch sessions will all be led by the wonderful Wood & Daughters and each project will have a different focus and outcome (find out more below) 


The first project is now online and available to book for just £10 a place! Just click on the link below to do so. Thanks to generous funding from The Waste Prevention fund we have been able to heavily subsidise the ticket price to ensure the money isn’t a barrier to stop anyone attending who wants to!


For this project you will transform tired knitwear, jersey and odds & ends of yarn into hats,
scarves, wrist warmers and fingerless mitts. Learn crochet, knitting, pom pom making and decorative edging.

COATS ALL DONE UP | 15 - 17 September

We will be transforming worn out coats by learning and using a variety of creative techniques such as patching, darning, trimming, applique functional and decorative embroidery. All done up fresh for this winter.

WARM HANDS WARM HOME | 6 - 8 October

Transform bedding and cotton fabric (shirts, table cloths, dresses and napkins) into draft
excluders and hand warmers to keep the winter chill away. Come and learn fabric colouring, yoyo’s/Suffolk puffs and Kantha stitching.


To ensure we have enough materials to work with, we are now welcoming your generous donations of worn, unwanted textiles to help bring these projects to life. All donated items will be transformed into new items!

We would particularly like: Felted wool fabric, knitwear, coats, cotton fabric (shirts, table cloths, dresses, napkins), bedding and leftover wool.

Please bring all donations to Making Space. 

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Making Space is a company limited by guarantee no 04482576 and a registered charity no 1108387

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